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发布时间:2015-12-21   文章作者:  浏览次数:

徐彬 副教授





(1) 学习简历

2007. 82011. 6,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,园艺学,博士

2005. 82007. 8,美国北达科他州立大学,植物科学,硕士

2002. 92005.7,南京农业大学,园林植物与观赏园艺学,硕士

1998. 92002.7,山东农业大学,园艺学,学士

(2) 研究工作经历

2015. 7-至今,南京农业大学,副院长

2013. 7-至今,南京农业大学,副教授,


2012. 82013. 6,龙灯环球农业科技,工作

2011. 72012. 8,金斯瑞生物科技公司,工作


Grass and Forage Science》副主编 2018-至今)





弗吉尼亚理工大学杰出近期研究生校友(Outstanding Recent Graduate Alumnus(2018)




P. Howard & Betsy Massey 研究生奖 (2009);

弗吉尼亚理工大学研究生院旅行奖 (2009);

弗吉尼亚理工大学植物科学杰出研究生 (2009);

Phi Sigma Biology Honor Society会员 (协会成员为前10%的生物专业学生);

Gamma Sigma Delta会员(协会成员为前10%农学专业学生)


1. 多年生黑麦草转录因子LpNAL的互作蛋白鉴定及协同调控逆境诱导叶片衰老的作用机制(2018/01-2022/12)国家自然科学基金面上项目(31772659)主持 60

2. 黑麦草叶片衰老过程中LpSGR调控叶绿素降解的上游通路探析 2016/01-2019/12)国家自然科学基金面上项目(31572455)主持 60

3. 细胞分裂素抑制黑麦草叶片衰老及叶绿素降解的机制研究(2015/01-2017/12)(KYZ201552)中央高校基本科研业务费主持 10

4. 多年生黑麦草叶绿素降解调控基因的克隆与应用研究(2014/07-2016/06)江苏省自然科学基金(BK20140693)主持 20

5. 江苏省双创团队(2014)参加 500

6. 特异抗逆优质草种质资源的引进与利用(2014/01-2014/12)农业部948项目(2014-Z25)参加 70


Song G, Yuan S, Wen X, Xie Z, Lou L, Hu B, Cai Q*, Xu B* (2018) Transcriptome analysis of Cd-treated switchgrass root revealed novel transcripts and the importance of HSF/HSP network in switchgrass Cd tolerance. Plant Cell Reports (Online first) (*Corresponding author)

Xu B, Li H, Li Y, Yu G, Zhang J, Huang B (2018) Characterization and transcriptional regulation of chlorophyll b reductase gene NON-YELLOW COLORING 1 associated with leaf senescence in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany (Online first)

Zhang J, Shi Y, Zhang X, Du H, Xu B*, Huang B* (2017) Melatonin suppression of heat-induced leaf senescence involves crosstalk with abscisic acid and cytokinin biosynthesis and signaling pathways in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Environmental and Experimental Botany 138:36-45 (*Corresponding author)

Yu G, Cheng Q, Xie Z, Xu B*, Huang B*, Zhao B (2017) An efficient protocol for perennial ryegrass mesophyll protoplast isolation and transformation, and its application on interaction study between LpNOL and LpNYC1. Plant Methods 13 (1):46 (*Corresponding author)

Yan H, Zhang A, Ye Y, Xu B*, Chen J, He X, Wang C, Zhou S, Zhang X, Peng Y, Ma X, Yan Y, Huang L* (2017) Genome-wide survey of switchgrass NACs family provides new insights into motif and structure arrangements and reveals stress-related and tissue-specific NACs. Scientific Reports 7 (1):3056. (*Corresponding author)

Yan H, Zhang A, Chen J, He X, Xu B*, Xie G, Miao Z, Zhang X, Huang L* (2017) Genome-Wide Analysis of the PvHsp20 Family in Switchgrass: Motif, Genomic Organization, and Identification of Stress or Developmental-Related Hsp20s. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (1024). (*Corresponding author) 

Wen W, Xie Z, Yu G, Zhao C, Zhang J, Huang L, Xu B*, Huang B (2017) Switchgrass PvDREB1C plays opposite roles in plant cold and salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Hereditas 155 (1):15 (*Corresponding author)

Zhang L, Xu B, Wu T, Yang Y, Fan L, Wen M, Sui J (2017) Transcriptomic profiling of two Pak Choi varieties with contrasting anthocyanin contents provides an insight into structural and regulatory genes in anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. BMC Genomics 18 (1):288.

Zhang L, Xu B, Wu T, Wen M-x, Fan L-x, Feng Z-z, Paoletti E (2017) Transcriptomic analysis of Pak Choi under acute ozone exposure revealed regulatory mechanism against ozone stress. BMC Plant Biology 17 (1):236.

Zhang J, Yu G, Wen W, Ma X, Xu B*, Huang B* (2016) Functional characterization and hormonal regulation of the PHEOPHYTINASE gene LpPPH controlling leaf senescence in perennial ryegrass. Journal of Experimental Botany 67:935-945. (*Corresponding author)

Yu Z, Yan H, Jiang X, Wang X, Huang L, Xu B, Zhang X, Zhang L (2016) Genetic variation, population structure and linkage disequilibrium in Switchgrass with ISSR, SCoT and EST-SSR markers. Hereditas 153:4.

Zhang J, Li H, Xu B, Li J, Huang B (2016) Exogenous Melatonin Suppresses Dark-Induced Leaf Senescence by Activating the Superoxide Dismutase-Catalase Antioxidant Pathway and Down-Regulating Chlorophyll Degradation in Excised Leaves of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1500.

Chen Y, Huang L, Yan H, Zhang X, Xu B, Ma X (2016) Cloning and characterization of an ABA-independent DREB transcription factor gene, HcDREB2, in Hemarthria compressa. Hereditas 153:1-7.

Yuan S, Xu B *, Zhang J, Xie Z, Cheng Q, Yang Z, Cai Q *, Huang B (2015) Comprehensive analysis of CCCH-type zinc finger family genes facilitates functional gene discovery and reflects recent allopolyploidization event in tetraploid switchgrass. BMC Genomics 16:129. (*Corresponding author)

Zhuang L, Yuan X, Chen Y, Xu B, Yang Z, Huang B (2015) PpCBF3 from Cold-Tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass Involved in Freezing Tolerance Associated with Up-Regulation of Cold-Related Genes in Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. PloS one 10:e0132928.

Yang Y, Chen X, Xu B, Li Y, Ma Y, Wang G (2015) Phenotype and transcriptome analysis reveals chloroplast development and pigment biosynthesis together influenced the leaf color formation in mutants of Anthurium andraeanum 'Sonate'. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:139.

Chen Y, Tan Z, Hu B, Yang Z, Xu B, Zhuang L, Huang B (2015) Selection and validation of reference genes for target gene analysis with quantitative RT-PCR in leaves and roots of bermudagrass under four different abiotic stresses. Physiologia Plantarum 155:138-148.

Huang L, Yan H, Jiang X, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Ji Y, Zeng B, Xu B, Yin G, Lee S (2014) Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR in orchardgrass subjected to various abiotic stresses. Gene 15:158-165.

Huang L, Yan H, Jiang X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Huang X, Zhang Y, Miao J, Xu B, Frazier T (2014) Evaluation of candidate reference genes for normalization of quantitative RT-PCR in switchgrass under various abiotic stress conditions. BioEnerg Res 7:1201-1211.

Cheng Q, Wang H, Xu B, Zhu S, Hu L, Huang M (2014) Discovery of a novel small secreted protein family with conserved N-terminal IGY motif in Dikarya fungi. BMC Genomics 15:1151.

Sathitsuksanoh N¶, Xu B¶, Zhao B, Zhang Y-HP (2013) Overcoming biomass recalcitrance by combining genetically modified switchgrass and cellulose solvent-based lignocellulose pretreatment. PloS one 8:e73523. (¶co-first author)

Xu B, Escamilla-Treviño LL, Sathitsuksanoh N, Shen Z, Shen H, Zhang PYH, Dixon RA, Zhao B (2011) Silencing of 4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase in switchgrass leads to reduced lignin content and improved fermentable sugar yields for biofuel production. New Phytologist 192:611-625.

Xu B, Sathitsuksanoh N, Tang Y, Udvardi MK, Zhang J-Y, Shen Z, Balota M, Harich K, Zhang PY-H, Zhao B (2012) Overexpression of AtLOV1 in switchgrass alters plant architecture, lignin content, and flowering time. PloS one 7:e47399.

Xu B, Huang L, Shen Z, Welbaum GE, Zhang X, Zhao B (2011) Selection and characterization of a new switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) line with high somatic embryogenic capacity for genetic transformation. Scientia Horticulturae 129:854-861.

Huang L, Bughrara S, Zhang XQ, Bales-Arcelo C, Xu B (2011) Genetic diversity of switchgrass and its relative species in Panicum genus using molecular markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 39:685-693.

徐彬, 陈海钟, 郭维明, 王广东, 文方德, 金剑平 (2007) 花烛无菌苗液体增殖培养的影响因子. 热带亚热带植物学报 15 (4):338-342

徐彬, 王广东, 郭维明, 文方德 (2007) 花烛苞片离体培养及植株再生(简报). 亚热带植物科学 36 (4):55-55

徐彬, 辛伟杰, 王广东, 郭维明, 文方德, 金剑平 (2006) 花烛离体培养叶色变异株系的相关性状. 植物学通报 23 (6):698-702

辛伟杰, 徐彬, 王广东, 郭维明, 文方德, 金剑平 (2006) 花烛体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生研究. 园艺学报 33 (6):1281-1286


Bingyu Zhao, Rongda Qu, Ruyu Li, Bin Xu, and Taylor Frazier (2013). Tissue Culture, Genetic Transformation, and Improvement of Switchgrass through Genetic Engineering. Hong Luo (editors). Compendium of Bioenergy Plants: Switchgrass. SCIENCE PUBLISHERS/Taylor & Francis/CRC PRESS, Boca Raton, FL, USA.

