1985年8月~1990年12月 中国农业科学院畜牧与兽药研究所研究实习员。
1991年1月~1994年10月 中国农业科学院畜牧与兽药研究所助理研究员。
2001年4月~2003年3月 九州大学农学部动物饲料生产与利用研究室研究员。
2003年4月-2004年5月 九州大学先端科学技术共同研究中心研究员(文部教官)。
2004年5月~2012年12月 南京农业大学动物科技学院南方草业工程系教授,博士生导师。
2013年1月~至今 南京农业大学草业学院教授,博士生导师。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“暖季型和冷季型牧草表面及其青贮过程中微生物和乳酸菌多样性的比较研究”,(31672488) 2017.1-2020.12. 主持,62万。
2. 西藏自治区“十三五”草业专项“优质草产品加工技术研究与示范”,(2016ZDKJZC) 2016.1-2016.12. 主持,95万。
3. 科技部“十三五”国家重点研发计划“藏南农牧交错带生态草牧业发展技术研究与示范”,(2016YFC0502005)2016.7-2020.12。参加,50万。
4. 江苏省自主创新项目“以秸秆饲料化、基料化利用为核心的技术方案” CX(15)1003-3,2015.1-2017.12 . 参加,50万。
5. 国家自然科学基金“多酚氧化酶影响青贮过程中蛋白降解的机理研究”,(31402135)2015.1-2017.12. 参加,22万。
6. 江苏省青年科学基金 “PPO对紫花苜蓿青贮过程中蛋白降解的影响研究”,(BK20140717)2014.7-2017.6. 参加,20万。
7. 国家自然科学青年基金 “青贮过程中牧草中长链脂肪酸变化的机理及其抑制有氧变质的效果研究” (C170204)2016.1-2018.12. 参加, 22.8万。
8. 江苏省自然科学青年基金“纤维素酶基因工程乳酸菌的构建及青贮表达效果研究”( BK20130694) 2013.7-2015.6. 参加, 20万。
9. 教育部高等学校博士点专项科研基金 “青贮用EGL1和CBH2基因工程鼠李糖乳杆菌的构建”(20130097120053)2014.1-2016.12. 参加, 4万。
1. 牧草饲料加工与贮藏,“十一五”规划教材,中国农业大学出版社 2010。
2. 最新青贮饲料生产手册----青贮TMR饲料生产与饲养技术学术研究专著, 日本酪农学院大学出版社 2012(日语)。
3. 牧草在奶牛生产中的高校利用技术学术研究专著, 日本酪农学院大学出版社合著 2014(日语)。
1. Siran Wang, Xianjun Yuan, Zhihao Dong, Junfeng Li, Tao Shao* Effect of ensiling corn stover with legume herbages in different proportions on fermentation characteristics, nutritive quality and in vitro digestibility on the Tibetan Plateau. Grassland Science, 2017, online (SCI).二区
2. Siran Wang, Xianjun Yuan, Zhihao Dong, Junfeng Li, Tao Shao* Isolating and evaluating lactic acid bacteria strains for effectiveness on the silage quality at low temperatures on the Tibetan Plateau. Animal Science Journal, 2017, online (SCI). 二区
3. Assar Ali Shah, Yuan Xianjun, Dong Zhihao, Wang Siran, Shao Tao* Effects of lactic acid bacteria on ensiling characteristics, chemical composition and aerobic stability of King grass. The Journal of animal and plant science. 2017, online (SCI).四区
4. Xianjun Yuan, Aiyou Wen, ZhiHao Dong, Seare T. Desta, Tao Shao* Effects of formic acid and potassium diformate on the fermentation quality, chemical composition and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage. Grass and Forage Science, 2017, online (SCI).一区
5. Aiyou Wen, Xianjun Yuan, Seare T. Desta, Tao Shao* Effects of four short-chain fatty acids or salts on dynamics of fermentation and microbial characteristics of alfalfa silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2017, online (SCI).一区
6. DONG Zhi-hao, YUAN Xian-jun, WEN Ai-you, Seare T. Desta and SHAO Tao* Effects of calcium propionate on the nitrogen distribution, fermentation quality and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2017, online (SCI).三区
7. Ali Gulfam, Qinhua Liu, Xianjung Yuan, Zihao Dong, Seare T. Desta, Jungfeng Li, Xi Bai, Assar A. Shah and Tao Shao* Characteristics of lactic acid bacteria isolates and their effects on the fermentation quality of acacia (Sophora japonica L.) leaf silage at low temperatures. Grassland Science, 2017, online (SCI).二区
8. Xianjun Yuan, Aiyou Wen, Seare T. Desta, ZhiHao Dong, Tao Shao* Effects of sodium diacetate on the fermentation profile, chemical composition and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2017, online (SCI).三区
9. Lei Chen, Gang Guo, Xianjun Yuan, Jie Zhang, Junfeng Li, Tao Shao* Effect of ensiling whole crop oat with lucerne in different ratios on fermentation quality, aerobic stability and in vitro digestibility on the Tibetan plateau. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition,2017, online (SCI).二区
10. Xianjun Yuan, Aiyou Wen, Seare T. Desta, ZhiHao Dong, Tao Shao* Effects of 4 short-chain fatty acids or salts on dynamics of nitrogen transformations and intrinsic protease activity of alfalfa silage. J Sci Food Agric, 2017, online (SCI).一区
11. WANG Jian, CHEN Lei, YUAN Xian-jun, GUO Gang, LI Jun-feng, BAI Yun-feng, SHAO Tao* Effects of molasses on the fermentation characteristics of mixed silage prepared with rice straw, local vegetable by-products and alfalfa in southeast china. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, online (SCI). 二区
12. A. Gulfam, G. Guo, S.T. Desta, L. Chen, Q.H. Liu, X.J. Yuan, Y.F. Bai and T. Shao* Characteristics of lactic acid bacteria isolates and their effect on the fermentation quality of Napier grass silage at three high temperatures. J Sci Food Agric, 2017, online (SCI). 一区
13. CHEN Lei, YUAN Xian-jun, LI Jun-feng, WANG Si-ran, DONG Zhi-hao, SHAO Tao* Effect of lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid on conservation characteristics, aerobic stability and in vitro gas production kinetics and digestibility of whole-crop corn based total mixed ration silage. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, online (SCI). 二区
14. Siran Wang, Xianjun Yuan, Zhihao Dong, Junfeng Li, Gang Guo, Yunfeng Bai, Tao Shao* Characteristics of isolated lactic acid bacteria and their effects on the silage quality. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2017, online (SCI).三区
15. Xi Bai, Xianjun Yuan, Aiyou Wen, Junfeng Li, Yunfeng Bai, Tao Shao* Cloning, expression and characterization of a cold-adapted endo-1, 4-β-glucanase from Citrobacter farmeri A1, a symbiotic bacterium of Reticulitermes labralis. Peer J, 2016, 4: e2679(SCI). 一区
16. X. J Yuan, Z. H. Dong, S. T. Desta,SHAO Tao* Effect of distiller's grains and molasses on fermentation quality of rice straw silages. Ciencia Rural, 2016, 46(12): 2235-2240 (SCI).四区
17. Xi Bai, Xianjun Yuan, Aiyou Wen, Junfeng Li, Yunfeng Bai, and SHAO Tao* Efficient expression and characterization of a cold-active endo-1, 4-
-glucanase from Citrobacter farmeri by co-expression of Myxococcus xanthus Protein S.
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2016, 24: 79-83 (SCI).
18. Seare T. Desta, X. J. Yuan,J. F. Li, SHAO Tao* Ensiling characteristics, structural and nonstructural carbohydrate composition and enzymatic digestibility of Napier grass ensiled with additives. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 221:447-454 (SCI). 一区
19. LIU Qin-hua, LI Xiang-yu, Seare T Desta, ZHANG Jian-guo, SHAO Tao* Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum and fibrolytic enzyme on the fermentation quality and in vitro digestibility of total mixed rations silage including rape straw. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15(9): 2087-2096(SCI). 二区
20. Xianjun Yuan, Zhihao Dong, Seare T. Desta, Haoran Jia, Tao Shao* Inclusion of wet hulless-barley distillers’grains in mixed silage enhances fermentation and in vitro degradability in Tibet. Grassland Science, 2016, 60: 206-213(SCI). 二区
21. Q.H. Liu, T. Shao*, Y.F. Bai. The effect of fibrolytic enzyme, Lactobacillus plantarum and two food antioxidants on the fermentation quality, alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene of high moisture napier grass silage ensiled at different temperatures. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016, 207, 41-50(SCI).一区
22. Lei Chen, Gang Guo, Xianjun Yuan, Jie Zhang, Junfeng Li, Tao Shao*. Effects of applying molasses, lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid on fermentation quality, aerobic stability andinvitro gas production of total mixed ration silage prepared with oat–common vetch intercrop on the Tibetan Plateau. J Sci Food Agric, 2016, 96: 1678-1685(SCI). 一区
23. Li, Fengwei; Gao, Jian; Xue, Feng; Yu, Xiaohong; SHAO Tao*. Extraction Optimization, Purification and Physicochemical Properties of Polysaccharides from Gynura medica. MOLECULES, 2016, (21) 48-91(SCI). 二区
24. Yuan, X., Wen, A., Wang, J., Guo, G., Desta, S. T. & Shao, T*. Effects of ethanol, molasses and Lactobacillus plantarum on the fermentation quality, in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silages in the Tibetan plateau of China. Animal Science Journal, 2016, 87, 681-689(SCI). 二区
25. XianJun Yuan, Gang Guo, AiYou Wen, Seare T. Desta, Jian Wang, Yong Wang, Tao Shao∗ The effect of different additives on the fermentation quality, in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of a total mixed ration silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2015, 207, 41-50(SCI).一区
26. Yuan, X. J., Wang, J., Guo, G., Wen, A. Y., Desta, S. T. & Shao, T*. Effects of ethanol, molasses and Lactobacillus plantarum on fermentation characteristics and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silages. Grass and Forage Science, 2015,71, 328–338(SCI).二区
27. Gang Guo, XianJun Yuan, AiYou Wen, Qiang Liu, ShuanLin Zhang, Tao Shao*. Silage Fermentation Characteristics of Napiergrass Harvested at Various Times on a Sunny Day. Crop Science, 2015, 55:1:458-464(SCI). 二区
28. Gang Guo, ChengQun Yu, Qi Wang, PengCheng Xin, Masataka Shimojo, and Tao Shao* Silage Fermentation Characteristics of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Harvested at Various Times on a Sunny Day. Crop Science, 2014, 54(2):851-858(SCI). 二区
29. Lei Chen, Gang Guo, Chengqun YU, Jie ZHANG, Masataka SHIMOJO and Tao Shao*. The effects of replacement of whole-plant corn with oat and common vetch on the fermentation quality, chemical composition and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silage in Tibet. Animal Science Journal, 2015, 86, 69-76 (SCI). 二区
30. Jie Zhang, Gang Guo, Lei Chen, Junfeng Li, Xianjun Yuan, Chengqun Yu, Masataka Shimojo and Tao Shao*. Effect of applying lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of oats-common vetch mixed silage on the Tibetan plateau. Animal Science Journal, 2015, 86, 595-602 (SCI). 二区
31. Lei Chen, Gang Guo, Xianjun Yuan, Masataka Shimojo, Chengqun Yu, and Tao Shao*.Effect of Applying Molasses and Propionic Acid on Fermentation Quality and Aerobic Stability of Total Mixed Ration Silage Prepared with Whole-plant Corn in Tibet. Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci, 2014, 27(3) 349-356 (SCI). 三区
32. Gang Guo, Xianjun Yuan, Longxin Li, Aiyou Wen and Tao Shao*. Effects of fibrolytic enzymes, molasses and lactic acid bacteria on fermentation quality of mixed silage of corn and hulless–barely straw in the Tibetan Plateau. Grassland Science, 2014, 60: 240-246(SCI). 二区
33. Gang Guo, Xiao-hui Sun, Xiao-yan Qiu, Masataka Shimojo and Tao Shao*. Characterization of Two Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Influence on Silage Fermentation of Napiergrass. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2014, 34(2):170-174 (SCI).三区
34. Xiaoyan Qiu, Gang Guo, Xianjun Yuan and Tao Shao* Effects of adding acetic acid and molasses on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silage prepared with hulless barley straw in Tibet. Grassland Science, 2014, 60: 206-213(SCI). 二区
35. Hui Rong, Cheng-qun Yu, Zhi-hua Li, Masataka Shimojo and Tao Shao* Evaluation of Fermentation Dynamics and Structural Carbohydrate Degradation of Napiergrass Ensiled with Additives of Urea and Molasses. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 2013, 2074-7764 (SCI). 三区
36. Xian-Jun Yuan, Cheng qun Yu, Zhihua Li, Shimojo Masataka, Tao Shao*. Effect of inclusion of grasses and wet hulless-barley distillers’ grains on the fermentation and nutritive quality of oat straw- and straw-grass silages in Tibet. Animal Production Science, 2013, 53(5): 419-426 (SCI). 二区
37. Xian-Jun Yuan, Cheng qun Yu, Shimojo Masataka, Tao Shao* Improvement of Fermentation and Nutritive Quality of Straw-grass Silage by Inclusion of Wet Hulless-barley Distillers' Grains in Tibet. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2012, 25(2): 479-485 (SCI). 三区
38. Lei Zhang, C. Q. Yu, M. Shimojo and Tao Shao* Effect of Different Rates of Ethanol Additive on Fermentation Quality of Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum). Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2011, Vol. 24, No. 5: 636 - 642 (SCI). 三区
39. Tao Shao*, Zhang L, Shimojo M and Y. Masuda. Fermentation quality of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) silages treated with encapsulated-glucose, glucose, sorbic acid and pre-fermented juices. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2007, 20(11): 1699 (SCI). 三区
40. Shao T*, Wang T, Shimojo M and Y. Masuda. Effect of ensiling density on fermentation quality of guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) silage during the early stage of ensiling. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2005, 18(9): 1273-1278 (SCI). 三区
41. Tao Shao*, M. Shimojo, T. Wang and Y. Masuda. Effect of Additives on the Fermentation Quality and Residual Mono- and Di-saccharides Compositions of Forage Oats (Avena sativa, L.) and Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Silages. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2005, 18(11):1582-1588(SCI). 三区
42. Tao Shao*, Z. X. Zhang, M. Shimojo, T. Wang and Y. Masuda. Comparison of Fermentation Characteristics of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) during the Early Stage of Ensiling. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2005, Vol 18, No. 12: 1727-1734 (SCI). 三区
43. Tao Shao*, N. Ohba, M. Shimojo and Y. Masuda. Effect of Adding Glucose, Sorbic Acid and Pre-Fermented Juice on the Fermentation Quality of Guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) Silage. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2004, Vol.17, No.6: 808-813 (SCI). 三区
44. Tao Shao*, N. Ohba, M. Shimojo and Y. Masuda. Changes in Mono–and Disaccharides Compositions of Guineagrass (Panicum Maximum Jacq.) Silage During Early Stages of Ensiling. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2003, 47(2):333-339 (SCI). 四区
45. Tao Shao*, N. Ohba, M. Shimojo and Y. Masuda Fermentation Quality of Forage Oat (Avena sativa L.) Silages Treated with Pre-Fermented Juices, Sorbic Acid, Glucose and Encapsulated-Glucose. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2003, 47(2):341-349(SCI). 四区
46. Tao Shao*, N. Ohba, M. Shimojo and Y. Masuda Effects of Addition of Glucose and Sorbic Acid on the Fermentation Quality of Guineagrass (Panicum Maximum Jacq.) Silages. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 2003, 47(2):351-358(SCI). 四区
47. Tao Shao*, N. Ohba, M. Shimojo and Y. Masuda Dynamics of Early Fermentation of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Silage. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2002, Vol.15.No.11:1606-1610(SCI). 三区
48. M.Shimojo, T. SHAO,S.Ishimatsu (2009) Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis —(XIII)Comparing Growth Mechanics between Logistic Functions and Basic Growth Functions. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University (SCI), 54(2):361-363. 四区
49. M.Shimojo, T. SHAO, R.Ishiwaka (2009). A preliminary Investigation into Dynamics of Lotka-Volterra Equation. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University (SCI), 54(2):365-367. 四区
50. M.Shimojo, T. SHAO and Y.Masuda(2008). Introducing Viewpoints of Mechanics into Basic Growth Analysis —(VII)Mathematical Properties of Basic Growth Mechanics in Ruminant—Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University (SCI),53(2):453-458. 四区
51. Guohua Qiao, Tao Shao, Xiao Yang, Xinqiang Zhu, Jinhua Li & Yuan Lu Effects of Supplemental Chinese Herbs on Growth Performance, Blood Antioxidant Function and Immunity Status in Holstein Dairy Heifers Fed High Fibre Diet. Italian Journal of Animal Science (SCI), 2013,vol.12:e20.二区
52. G. H. Qiao, T. Shao, C. Q. Yu, X. L. Wang, X. Yang, X. Q. Zhu and Y. Lu A comparative study at two different altitudes with two dietary nutrition levels on rumen fermentation and energy metabolism in Chinese Holstein cows. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION(SCI), 2013, (97) 933–941. 二区
53. Liu, Q.H, F.Y. Yang, J.G. Zhang and T. Shao. Characteristics of Lactobacillus parafarraginis ZH1 and its role in improving the aerobic stability of silages. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2014, 117(2):405-416(SCI).二区
54. Liu, Q.H, T. Shao and J.G. Zhang. Determination of aerobic deterioration of corn stalk silage caused by aerobic bacteria. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2013, 183, 124-131(SCI).一区
55. Jipeng Tian, Yandong Yu, Zhu Yu, Tao Shao, Risu Na and Miaomiao Zhao Effects of lactic acid bacteria inoculants and cellulase on fermentation quality and in vitro digestibility of Leymuschinensis silage. Grassland Science, 2014, 60, 199–205(SCI). 二区
1. 李湘玉,刘秦华,李君风,白晰,T. Desta,王思然,董志浩,白云峰,邵涛*。β-1,4-葡聚糖内切酶基因在大肠杆菌中分泌表达研究。食品与生物技术学报 2017, online。
2. 李君风,原现军,董志浩,Seare T.Desta,陈雷,白晰,白云峰,邵涛*西藏地区牦牛瘤胃中兼性厌氧纤维素降解菌的分离鉴定。草业学报 2017, online。
3. 肖慎华, 原现军, 董志浩, 李君风, 王奇, 赵杰, 邵涛*。 添加乳酸菌制剂和糖蜜对箭筈豌豆和苇状羊茅混合青贮发酵品质的影响。南京农业大学学报,2016,39(2): 275-280。
4. 贾春旺,原现军,李君风,闻爱友,白晰,肖慎华,郭刚,魏化敬,邵涛*。青稞酒糟对紫花苜蓿和多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质的影响。南京农业大学学报,2016,39(2): 275-280。
5. 丁良,原现军,闻爱友,王坚,郭刚,李君风,王思然,白晰,邵涛*。添加剂对西藏啤酒糟全混合日粮青贮发酵品质及有氧稳定性的影响。草业学报,2016 ,Vol.25(7):112-120。
6. 董志浩,原现军,闻爱友,王坚,郭刚,李君风,白晰,周顺陶,邵涛*。添加乳酸菌和发酵底物对桑叶青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2016,Vol.25(6):167-174。
7. 丁良,王坚,闻爱友,原现军,郭刚,李君风,白晰,白云峰,邵涛*。笋壳替代全株玉米TMR发酵品质及有氧稳定性研究。草业学报,2016, Vol.25(6):158-166。
8. 贾春旺,原现军,肖慎华,李君风,白晰,闻爱友,郭刚,邵涛*。青稞秸秆替代苇状羊茅对全混合日粮青贮早期发酵品质及有氧稳定性的影响。草业学报,2016, Vol.25(4):179-187。
9. 陈雷,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,肖慎华,巴桑,余成群,邵涛*。添加乳酸菌制剂和丙酸对全株玉米全混合日粮青贮发酵品质和有氧稳定性的影响。畜牧兽医学报,2015, Vol. 46 (1):104-110。
10. 刘秦华, 李湘玉, 丁良, 吴琳, 张建国, 邵涛*。添加剂对象草青贮发酵品质、α-生育酚和β-胡萝卜素的影响。草地学报,2015, Vol. 23 (6): 1317-1322。
11. 崔棹茗,郭刚,原现军,李君风,杨晓丹,丁良,余成群,邵涛*。 青稞秸秆青贮饲料中优良乳酸菌的筛选及鉴定。草地学报, 2015,Vol. 23 (3): 607-615。
12. 辛鹏程,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,肖慎华,参木有,陈裕祥,邵涛*。添加丙酸对青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质及有氧稳定性的影响。草地学报,2015, Vol. 23 (3): 594-600。
13. 李龙兴,郭刚,原现军,闻爱友,王坚,参木有,陈裕祥,邵涛*。添加剂对西藏青饲玉米和青稞秸秆混合青贮发酵品质的影响。草地学报,2015, Vol. 23 (2): 401-406。
14. 刘秦华,李湘玉,李君风,白晰,张建国,邵涛*,吴琳,赵新国,田佳鹭。温度和添加剂对象草青贮发酵品质、α-生育酚和β-胡萝卜素的影响。草业学报, 2015, Vol. 24 (7): 116-122。
15. 杨晓丹,原现军,郭刚,崔棹茗,李君风,白晰,巴桑,邵涛*。西藏豆科牧草青贮饲料中耐低温优良乳酸菌的筛选。草业学报, 2015, Vol. 24 (6): 99-107。
16. 郭刚,原现军,林园园,闻爱友,荣辉,沈振西,余成群,邵涛*。添加糖蜜与乳酸菌对燕麦秸杆和黑麦草混合青贮品质的影响。草地学报, 2014, Vol. 22 (2): 409-413。
17. 王勇,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,王坚,肖慎华,余成群,巴桑,邵涛*。西藏不同饲草全混合日粮发酵品质和有氧稳定性的研究。草业学报, 2014, Vol. 23 (6): 95-102。
18. 邱小燕,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,余成群,巴桑,邵涛*。添加糖蜜和乙酸对西藏发酵全混合日粮青贮发酵品质及有氧稳定性影响。草业学报, 2014, Vol. 23 (6): 111-118。
19. 张洁,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,王坚,肖慎华,巴桑,余成群,邵涛*。添加剂对西藏燕麦和箭薚豌豆混合青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2014, Vol. 23 (5): 359-364。
20. 李君风,孙肖慧,原现军,郭刚,肖慎华,巴桑,余成群,邵涛*。添加乙酸对西藏燕麦和紫花苜蓿混合青贮发酵品质和有氧稳定性的影响。草业学报,2014, Vol. 23 (5): 271-278。
21. 赵庆杰,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,巴桑,王奇,沈振西,余成群,邵涛*。添加糖蜜和乳酸菌制剂对西藏青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2014, Vol. 23 (4): 100-106。
22. 孙肖慧,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,王坚,余成群,邵涛*。添加乙醇和糖蜜对西藏地区燕麦和紫花苜蓿混合青贮发酵品质的影响。畜牧兽医学报, 2014, Vol. 45 (3): 417-425。
23. 王坚,王亚琴,闻爱友,邵涛*。糖蜜添加对西兰花茎叶稻秸苜蓿混合青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2014, Vol. 23 (3): 248-254。
24. 孙肖慧,原现军,郭刚,闻爱友,王坚,余成群,邵涛*。 添加剂对西藏混合青贮发酵品质和有氧稳定性的影响。草地学报,2014, Vol. 22 (6): 1353-1359。
25. 刘秦华,郭刚,宋晓欣,闻爱友,荣辉,邵涛*。西藏多年生黑麦草与紫花苜蓿混合青贮的研究。草地学报,2013, Vol. 21 (5): 985-990。
26. 原现军,王奇,李志华,余成群,下条雅敬,邵涛*。添加糖蜜对青稞秸秆和多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质及营养价值的影响。草业学报,2013, Vol. 22 (3): 116-123。
27. 荣辉,余成群,陈杰,下条雅敬,邵涛*。添加绿汁发酵液、乳酸菌制剂和葡萄糖对象草青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2013,Vol.22(3): 108-115。
28. 原现军,闻爱友,郭刚,邵涛*。添加酶制剂对西藏地区青稞秸秆和黑麦草混合青贮效果的影响。畜牧兽医学报,2013, Vol. 44 (8): 1269-1276。
29. 原现军,余成群,李志华,下条雅敬,邵涛*。西藏青稞秸秆与多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质的研究。草业学报,2012, Vol.21(4):325-330。
30. 王奇,余成群,李志华,赵庆杰,下条雅敬,邵涛*。添加酶和乳酸菌制剂对西藏苇状羊茅和箭筈豌豆混合青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2012 ,Vol.21(4):186-191。
31. 原现军,余成群,李志华,下条雅敬,邵涛*。添加青稞酒糟对西藏地区青稞秸秆和高羊茅混合青贮发酵品质的影响。草业学报,2012, Vol.21(2):92-98。
32. 荣辉,陈杰,余成群,李志华,下条雅敬,邵涛*。添加甲酸对象草青贮发酵品质的影响。草地学报,2012, Vol.20(6):1105-1111。
33. 王奇,余成群,辛鹏程,李志华,下条雅敬,邵涛*。苇状羊茅和箭筈豌豆混合青贮发酵品质的研究。草地学报,2012, Vol.20(5):952-956。
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35. 原现军,余成群,夏坤,李志华,下条雅敬,邵涛*。添加青稞酒糟对西藏箭筈豌豆与苇状羊茅混合青贮发酵品质的影响。畜牧兽医学报,2012, Vol.43(9):1408-1414。
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1. 邵涛, 刘秦华, 原现军,郭刚,余成群,闻爱友。 一种含黑麦草和箭筈豌豆的青贮组合物及其应用. ZL201310711726.1。
2. 余成群, 原现军, 刘秦华, 郭刚, 邵涛, 沈振西。 一种含小麦秸秆和苇状羊茅的青贮组合物及其应用. ZL201310751184.0。
(1)“长三角区域奶牛高效健康养殖关键技术研究、集成与应用” 2010年获江苏省科学技术进步奖二等奖,江苏省人民政府。6/10
(2)“西藏河谷农区草产业关键技术研究与示范” 2013年获西藏自治区科学技术进步奖一等奖,西藏自治区人民政府。9/12