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2001-2006 中国农业大学副教授/硕士生导师    

2007- 中国农业大学教授/博士生导师    

2013- 南京农业大学草业学院教授、博士生导师(兼)    



(1) 现代农业产业技术体系,2011-2015年,经费500万,首席科学家。  

(2)公益性行业(农业)科研专项不同区域草地承载力与家畜配置研究” 2009-2013年,经费2190  

(3) 国家自然科学基金放牧草地磷和丛枝菌根真菌在植物与土壤中的作用过程和响应”2013年,经费15  








张英俊,杨高文,刘楠,常淑娟 2013)草原碳汇管理对策. 草业学报, 2(2): 290-299.

Zhang XQ, Jin YM, Zhang YJ, Yu Z,Yan WH. Silage quality and preservation of Urtica cannabina ensiled alone and with additive treatment. Grass and Forage Science (In Press).

Kemp, D. R., H. Guodong, H. Xiangyang, D. L. Michalk, H. Fujiang, W. Jianping, and Z. Yingjun (2013) Innovative grassland management systems for environmental and livelihood benefits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:8369-8374.

张英俊,任继周,王明利,杨高文 论牧草产业在我国农业产业结构中的地位和发展布局. 中国农业科技导报. (已接受)  

林建海,王硕,路文杰,张英俊,李志强. 紫花苜蓿田杂草发生调查与草害程度研究.草业科学. (已接受)  

林建海,许瑞轩,项敏,张英俊,李志强.春播紫花苜蓿田苗期杂草的化学防治研究.草地学报. (已接受)  

林建海,许瑞轩,路文杰,王硕,张英俊,李志强.春播紫花苜蓿田生长期(刈割后)的杂草防除研究.杂草科学. (已接受)  

许瑞轩,李东宁,杨东海,林建海,项敏,张英俊.近红外光谱法田间快速估测新鲜紫花苜蓿品质.光谱学与光谱分析. (已接受)  


Chang S, Liu N, Wang X, Zhang YJ, Xie Y (2012) Alfalfa Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration Patterns and Effects of Temperature and Precipitation in Three Agro-Pastoral Ecotones of Northern China. PLoS ONE, 7, e50544.

Lin LJ, Zhu XY, Jiang C, Luo HL, Wang H, Zhang YJ, Hong FZ (2012) The potential use of n-alkanes, long-chain alcohols and long-chain fatty acids as diet composition markers: indoor validation with sheep and herbage species from the rangeland of Inner Mongolia of China. Animal, 6, 449-458.    

Liu N, Zhang YJ, Chang SJ, Kan HM, Lin LJ (2012) Impact of Grazing on Soil Carbon and Microbial Biomass in Typical Steppe and Desert Steppe of Inner Mongolia. PLoS ONE, 7, e36434.    

姜超, 张英俊, 罗海玲, 常书娟 (2012) 内蒙古荒漠草原区分采食成分的最佳蜡层指示剂组合. 草地学报, 20, 576-582.    

谢越, 石丹, 李品红, 张英俊 (2012) 羊草品质与气象因子和土壤因子的相关性研究. 草地学报, 20, 631-636.    

张晓庆, 侯向阳, 张英俊 (2012) 放牧家畜采食量和采食成分测定技术评述. 草业科学, 29, 291-300.    


Yan R, Zhang RZ, Zhang X, Jiang C, Han JG, Zhang YJ (2011) Changes in Milk Production and Metabolic Parameters by Feeding Lactating Cows Based on Different Ratios of Corn Silage: Alfalfa Hay with Addition of Extruded Soybeans. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24, 800-809.    

Zhang RZ, Li XX, Yan R, Yu YD, Jiang C, Zhang YJ, Han JG (2011) The evaluation of nutritive value in alfalfa silage through Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. In: Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), 2011 International Conference.

许旭, 罗海玲, 张英俊. (2011) 限时放牧对苏尼特羔羊生长性能及主要消化器官发育的影响. 中国畜牧杂志, 47, 65-68.    

石丹, 张英俊 (2011) 近红外光谱法快速测定羊草干草品质的研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 31, 2730-2733.    

张桂杰, 王红梅, 罗海玲, 张英俊 (2011) 应用体外产气与体外消化法评定不同生育期豆科牧草营养价值. 动物营养学报, 23, 387-394.


Zhang X, Zhang YJ, et al. (2010) Genetic variation of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) collections from China detected by morphological traits, RAPD and SSR. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9, 3032-3041.

刘楠, 张英俊 (2010) 放牧对典型草原土壤有机碳及全氮的影响. 草业科学, 27, 11-14.

王海, 张英俊 (2010) 应用差异光谱法建立绵羊采食复杂日粮干物质消化率模型的研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 30, 1575-1578.

徐轩, 张英俊 (2010) 农牧交错带草--田耦合的IRM模拟分析. 草地学报, 18, 320-326.

杨高文, 张帆, 张英俊, 周翰舒, 林立军 (2010) 用链烷技术研究土壤与植被原生关系. 草业科学, 27, 34-39.

张桂杰, 罗海玲, 张英俊. (2010) 应用体外产气与活体外消化率法评定盛花期白三叶牧草营养价值. 中国农业大学学报, 15, 53-58.


Lin LJ, Luo HL, Wang H, Zhang YJ, Shu B (2009) Evaluation of long-chain alcohols and fatty acids, in combination with alkanes, as markers in the estimation of the composition of four herbages in mixtures. Grass and Forage Science, 64, 19-25.

Lin LJ, Luo HL, Zhang YJ, et al. (2009) The potential use of long-chain alcohols and fatty acids as diet composition markers: factors influencing faecal recovery rates and diet composition estimates in sheep. Animal, 3, 1605-1612.

Luo HL, Xu YF, Zhang YJ (2009) Effects of Different Raising Ways on the Early Growth and Development Performance of Nanjiang Yellow Goat. In: New Paradigm for Diversity of forage Production in the East Asian Region--Proceedings of the 3rd Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Livestock Production pp Page.

Shu B, Zhang YJ, Lin LJ, Luo HL, Wang H (2009) Fecal near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict Leymus chinensis of diets from penned sheep in north China. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 62, 193-197.

Zhang X, Yan R,   Cao WJ , Shu B, Zhang YJ (2009) Rapid Selection of White Clover Germplasms' Crude Protein Traits by SPAD and Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 29, 2388-2391.

Zhou HS, Zhang YJ (2009) The impact of soil available phosphorus content on the intensity of the mycorrhizal colonization of root system at different patches in northern steppe of China. The Third South Korea China Japan Joint Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Livestock Production, 105-106.

曹文娟, 张英俊 (2009) 不同品种白三叶蛋白质含量比较. 草业科学, 26, 61-65.

刘贵河, 汪诗平, 张英俊, 韩建国 (2009) 链烷技术估测典型草原放牧牛食性食量方法研究. 草地学报, 6, 693-698.


Han JG, Zhang YJ, Wang CJ, Bai WM, Wang YR, Han GD, Li LH (2008) Rangeland degradation and restoration management in China. The Rangeland Journal, 30, 233-239.

Luo HL, Xu YF, Zhang YJ (2008) Effect of different feeding methods on fatty acids composition in muscle of Nanjiang Yellow goat. In: Proceedings of 8th International Rangeland Congress and 21th International Grassland Congress. pp Page.

Meng L, Zhang YJ (2008) Photosynthesis and transpiration of chicory with different irrigation treatments in Beijing. In: Proceedings of 8th International Rangeland Congress and 21th International Grassland Congress pp Page.

Shu B, Lin LJ, Zhang YJ, Wang H, Luo HL (2008) N-alkane profiles of common rangeland species in northern China and the influence of drying method on their concentrations. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 88, 137-141.


Lin L, Liu G, Zhang Y (2006) Study on the n-alkane patterns of five dominant forage species of the typical steppe grassland in Inner Mongolia of China. Journal of Agricultural Science, 144, 159-164.

Lin LJ, Luo HL, Zhang YJ, Shu B (2007) The effects, in sheep, of dietary plant species and animal live weight on the faecal recovery rates of alkanes and the accuracy estimates obtained using of intake and diet composition alkanes as faecal markers. Journal of Agricultural Science, 145, 87-94.

Sun YC, Zhang YJ, Wang K, Qiu XJ (2006) NaOH scarification and stratification improve germination of Iris lactea var. chinensis seed. Hortscience, 41, 773-774.

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K (2005) Using the n-alkane technique to estimate the herbage intake of steers grazing Zoysia japonica grassland. Journal of Dairy Science, 88(suppl.), 286-286.

Zhang YJ, Huang D, Han JG (2004) The diurnal pattern of net photosynthesis, transpiration, light and water use efficiency of some imported species in China. Grassland Science, 50, 468-469.

Zhang YJ, Jiang WL, Ren JZ (2001) Effects of sheep night penning on soil nitrogen and plant growth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 44, 151-157.

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K (2004) Study on the n-alkane patterns in some grasses and factors affecting the n-alkane patterns. Journal of Agricultural Science, 142, 469-475.

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K, Akiyama F (2002) Differences in the n-alkane concentration of four species wild plants in Japan. Grassland Science, 48, 50-52.

林立军, 张英俊 (2006) 温带常见牧草中饱和烷烃浓度模式研究. 草业学报, 15, 115-121.

闫敏, 吴维群, 历卫宏, 张英俊, 韩建国 (2007) 水分胁迫对白三叶种子发育与质量的影响. 草地学报, 15, 158-163.

闫敏, 张英俊, 历卫红, 胡汉傈 (2007) 水分对白三叶开花前后茎叶中营养物质及激素含量的影响. 草业科学, 24, 48-52.

闫敏, 张英俊, 铁云华, 马兴跃 (2007) 生长调节剂对白三叶种子产量及产量构成要素的影响. 草业科学, 24, 58-62.

